Industries Service Focus
SmallBoard’s established maturity roadmaps enable us to provide investment and capability information to our business partners
Industry Focused Expertise
SmallBoard has well defined maturity road maps for each of the domain areas we specialize in. This enables a firm to incrementally invest and steadily bolster its analytical capability.
SmallBoard leverages its deep domain expertise in the areas of Travel and Transportation, Healthcare & Life Sciences and Banking, Financial Services and Insurance and has built industry specific analytics. SmallBoard also offers analytics in some of the common business functions like Human Resources and Financial Reporting. SmallBoard offers cloud-based analytics in the area of HR with the name of “Republic”. “Verity” is SmallBoard’s Financial analytics that can address all key sub functions in Finance.

Customer Facts
- Development and Support of Enterprise Data Warehouse addressing the reporting areas like HR, Supply Chain, and Materials Management for a leading producers of Copper and Gold in USA
- Financial revenue and cost reporting solution Upgrade in Cognos for a leading Energy major in USA
- Implementation of Oracle BI Apps 7.9.6 and configuration of Pre-packaged Reports and Dashboards for HR modules for a leading Natural Gas Distribution Company in USA
- Development of Counterparty risk analytics and dashboards for a leading Bank in USA
- Development of reports and dashboards addressing areas like Treasury and Investment,Treasury and Market, and Treasury Liquidity Management for a leading Bank in Singapore
- Implementation and Support of Treasury Data Warehouse covering reporting areas like Asset Liability Management and Funds Transfer Pricing for a leading Global Bank
- Design and Development of Operational Data Store for reporting addressing subject areas like Portfolio Services, Fund Derivatives, Overlay Services, Foreign Exchange for a leading Investment Management Company in USA
- Development and Support of Enterprise Data Warehouse for reporting needs in leasing contracts for a leading Financial Services Provider in Germany
- Development of reports covering the areas like Claims Management, Eligibility, Renewal and Financial reports for a leading Insurance Service Provider in USA
- Development of reports on retirement insurance function in a factory model for a leading Insurance Company in USA
- Development of Warehouse Analytics for am leading Logistics Service Provider in Middle East
- Development and Deployment of Cargo Management Reporting for a leading Airline in Canada
- Development of reports for financial management in a leading Government sector in Australia